
Monday 23 August 2010

Shore Leave

Tuesday 22nd June

The Doctor took some time off work, took the kids and gave me an hour and a half to myself. It was completely amazing, I didn’t know what to do first. I have a huge conflicting mental list of useful stuff I’d like to get done, and nice relaxing things that I could do. I did an intense bit of shopping for useful things and then went to a pub for a chilled glass of Pinot Grigio. At The Camden Head, golden afternoon sun shines on the wooden, homely decor of a traditional English pub. It’s so weird not to be thinking of three people’s needs all at once. I notice my mind quieten down to a slower pace. It’s like getting off a carousel roundabout and still feeling giddy as if you’re going round; I need to find my ‘sea legs’!

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