
Monday 31 January 2011

Blogging Carnival

Today I am in a blogging carnival! Every two weeks a different British mummy blogger “hosts” the carnival. Bloggers submit posts from the past month. It introduces you to new blogs.

The carnival on 1st February is hosted by Maggy at The Good Life Blog. I love her header picture because it looks like a tree-misted waterways scene. Some carnivals have themes and this one is themed on the question ‘what’s good in your life?’ It’s come at a perfect time for me, to take a break from blogging about anti-depressants and bereavement and focus on the good things in life (my girls, The Doctor, sunny narrowboat cruises, a job I enjoy, amazing friends, writing, etc etc...). So head on over to read cheerful things about the good things in life!

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Hi! I'd love to hear what you think and will reply as soon as I can. I really appreciate you taking the time to comment.