
Sunday 9 January 2011

Mega Mums

4th November

The Doctor went out for the night with The Pub Landlord. I stayed up late checking out other British Mummy Bloggers. Their biogs say things like,

“I have a nine month old, a two year old and a four year old. I used to work in an office but since having children I have become a freelance writer, which is great because I can fit it around family life.”

Who are these super efficient mega mums? I am close to tears half the time because I haven’t slept for three years, I can’t even stay on top of the housework and next week I’m going back to the day job and re-starting my hypnotherapy practice. I’m obviously not organising my time efficiently. Instead of blogging I should probably be pitching articles.


  1. Remember that they do not have a three hour trek for each load of washing, have dishwashing machines, extra rooms to shut crying babies in and central heating... It is YOU who is the Mega Mother here! We all admire your devotion to your dream.

  2. Thank you so much! Am feeling a bit low today so this comment means the world to me :-)

  3. I agree with Tristan... YOU are actually the mega mum for staying true to yourself... and for the laundry trek. x

  4. Hi Peggy,
    Had to laugh when I read this - I'm a fellow member of BMB but I don't think these biogs are meant to come across that way. Chances are the person who wrote that is struggling to juggle kids and work and blogs as an outlet for their frustration. But we all want to sound positive about what are a very difficult few years - some would say a lifetime - once you have kids and try to do anything else as well.
    If it's any consolation my OH suggested we needed to go to counselling because my housekeeping is so bad and it makes him so cross!!!
    BTW was instantly attracted to your blog of course cos you live on a narrowboat and would love to see more pix - if you have time one day.......

  5. Thanks Not Notting Hill

    Will try to sort some pics soon.
    I liked your post about a mad and famous mega mum but being technophobic can't work out how to comment on your blog!

  6. LOL, so true! Thanks for dropping by Give an Earthly and I would LOVE to interview you for my Super Woman series :)

    Just follow the questions on the posts and send me your links and pics! Thanks :)


Hi! I'd love to hear what you think and will reply as soon as I can. I really appreciate you taking the time to comment.