
Wednesday 13 April 2011

Welcome to the 2011 MAD Blog Awards!

The MAD Blog Awards celebrate great British families and their blogs, and they want you to tell them about your favourite Mum and Dad blogs of 2011.  

They will be awarding prizes and MAD Blog Awards to 15 talented bloggers in 2011. 

I am very new to blogging but have worked really hard on it during the last six months. I’ve been loving it, learned technical things about this ‘ere interweb thing that you wouldn’t believe!  and met some great online mums in the blog-o-sphere.  

If anyone nominated me I would feel so warm inside, and proud of myself.

I wish I had time to read all the good parenting blogs out there, but I am always doing too many things at once in my Real Life, so I don’t comment enough on other people’s blogs or share the ‘blog love’ like I should.

But there’s two blogs that I do keep reading because they stick in my head and I don’t know why. So I’ve nominated for best new blog. She’s just kind of funny, and interesting and ‘real’ and very readable. And her blog design looks very slick and fancy since she did that blogging course.

And for totally best blogger of the year I nominated Molly
Because I always read her posts when they arrive in my email whereas others I admit, I skim and delete! She is funny, a good writer, great blog design. What more can I say?

So how about you? Maybe, you’ll decide to nominate Narrowboat Wife? I don’t want a prize I just want the fame and recognition! And a book deal. But I don’t think they are giving those away.

MAD Blog Awards 2011


  1. What a neat post! Looking forward for more post from you. Thank you for sharing!

  2. I have indeed nominated you lovely lady! for Blogger of the year and of course, best blog 'WRITER'!!! xxx

  3. Wow, thanks Alice! *beams with pride*


Hi! I'd love to hear what you think and will reply as soon as I can. I really appreciate you taking the time to comment.