
Friday 11 November 2011

#FlashbackFriday 11/11/11

Stocker's Lock, Rickmansworth
 “The course of true love never did run smooth.”
Midsummer Night's Dream. William Shakespeare.

Twenty one years ago I fancied a boy at school. The school play was A Midsummer Night's Dream. He was Lysander, I was Head of Props. We drank cider and kissed at the cast party on the last night of the play. But we left school and we lost touch. Twelve years later he contacted me through Friends Reunited. We found out we'd both just been travelling in India at the same time. We found out that his new job as a research scientist was around the corner from my new job, at Friends of the Earth in Islington. We became friends and then more. He thought it was a good idea that I lived on a narrowboat, so he bought his own boat and we travelled together. Eventually I sold my boat and moved onto his boat.

“Please be my ramblin' woman
And I'll be your ramblin' man
And together we will travel
Holding each other's hands...”

Rory McLeod

Stocker's Lock at Rickmansworth was our favourite mooring in 2006. We had a picnic beside the lake and he proposed. We got married on the 11th November, so that makes today our fifth wedding anniversary: 11/11/11.

Flashback again to a girl who lived alone on a little red narrowboat called 'Emily Rose'. She was waiting for true love. She wrote a list in her notebook of the qualities that she was looking for. Someone passionate, creative, spontaneous, musical. Someone who writes.

Be careful what you wish for, because wishes come true.

No words can describe what it feels like to be in my kind of true love. But if I had to describe it I would say that wherever I travel, he is my home.


I wanted to link this post up to Flashback Friday at Cafe Bebe, but I'm actually scheduling it to get posted while we're driving down to Plymouth to celebrate our anniversary. Visit Karin's Cafe Bebe to see other bloggers sharing old photos. Karin says, "Just take us back in time. Share some words to take us there and we can all get nostalgic and smiley remembering “when”.
Woodland wedding cake


  1. Lovely flashback, and nice to see the photo of Stoker's Lock, we always went through that one whenever we went out on the boat!

    Happy anniversary!

    (I linked up for you too xx)

  2. Thanks for linking me Emma! (am in car typing on phone!)

  3. An amazing love story...happy anniversary! xxx

  4. What a wonderful story. It was meant to be...serendipity!
    Have a lovely've really made me smile! ;)


  5. Thanks guys.x It is a good love story & I still love Stockers lock & the Aquadrome.

  6. Beautiful! Our story is not dissimilar :)

    Happy Anniversary!


  7. Thanks Mamma Earthly :-)Is your romance story on your blog?

  8. Thanks Susanna :-)
    Just read about your Big Sis mentoring programme - lovely idea. I've been blogging 18 months but still feel like a newbie!


Hi! I'd love to hear what you think and will reply as soon as I can. I really appreciate you taking the time to comment.