
Wednesday 8 February 2012

Boats That Blog

I recently wrote about Boats That Tweet but you will find that a lot of canal and narrowboaters who tweet, are also boats that blog. Many narrowboat blogs are cruising logs, and while some are a written diary, others are more focussed on keeping a photographic record of their journey.

It’s pretty impossible to pick my favourite boating blogs because there are so many good ones! Instead I’ve chosen three very different boating blogs to give you a flavour of the variety that’s out there.

Granny Buttons

The UK Waterways ranking site lists the most popular boating blogs of the moment and Andrew Denney’s blog Granny Buttons is consistently at the top of that list. Granny Buttons is the name of his narrowboat and he shares his own thoughts and opinions related to the canals and waterways of England. This is a good example of a blog with a lot of reader interaction as the comments thread often sparks off discussions. He also displays a long list of boating blogs in his side bar so it’s a good starting point for discovering more blogs.

Writings From the Where Ever

Alice Griffin is a mother, wife, writer, traveller, dreamer, vegetarian, animal lover, seeker of peace, crafter and sometimes a gardener; just doing her best to live an authentic life aboard her narrowboat. She writes heart-felt posts about finding beauty in the little things, and describes how living afloat and being so close to nature can be good for the soul and good for her little girl.

Living on a Narrowboat

Paul Smith’s website is more than a blog, it is a wealth of information about the reality of living aboard. It includes case studies of liveaboards, marina reviews, and lots of useful articles. To view all of the content you need to subscribe, but membership is free. There are over 4000 subscribers and the site receives up to 6,000 visits each month, so he must be doing something right!

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I wrote this post for Boatshed Grand Union.
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  1. thank you for featuring my little blog Peg! Will check out Living on a Narrowboat (already a reader of Granny Buttons!) xxx

  2. I love your blog Alice, and I think my readers will too! :-)


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