This morning we were up at six; the girls complained through breakfast, The Doctor rushed to commute to London and I persuaded everyone to get dressed and out in the double pushchair down a muddy towpath for the half hour walk to nursery. We’d not even got to Marsworth bottom lock before the pushchair got a puncture. While I blurted out some mildly child-friendly curses Big Sister suggested taking the pushchair back to the boat and getting a taxi. I concurred. So I bundled them back home, took them to nursery in a taxi and returned home to face a to-do list that looks like a peculiar pile of noodles in my head:
Boil the kettle to do the dishes, run the engine to get the electric to run the washing machine. Write some emails and write some blogs for clients. I have a full day’s work to do for my business, but it makes sense if I also squeeze in the dishes and the laundry and now I’m going to have to fix the pushchair puncture. Must read some more of the massive tome Social Media Marketing for Dummies before the library insist on having it back. I need to implement some of the tips in that book How to Get Things Done without Trying Too Hard
Ever felt like that?!
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links to Amazon, to several good books I wish I had time to finish!
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