
Saturday 2 June 2012


Writing is not normally a problem for me. I write a lot, and when I start I can't stop. But words fail me when I think of what is happening in Syria. I'm only one small person and sometimes it's easy to feel powerless faced with things you wish you could change. But I do have one small blog which is a "voice" on the internet. 

So I will say this. Last week 49 babies, toddlers and children were killed in Houla. 

On 1st June the UK parent blogging community united to call for action in Syria. After I read about it I wanted to add my voice.

Add your voice. 

Join the protest at The Syrian Embassy in London on Sunday 10th June 12 - 2pm.

So far 84 parent bloggers have added their voices by blogging about this. If you want more details of what is happening there try reading Luci's post at Mother.Wife.Me. It moved me to tears. I tried to hide them from my own small children who sat near me, safe in our home.


  1. Hi, I know exactly what you mean about words failing me. After I read the Time article on Houla it didn't even occur to me to write a post, as words quite literally failed me. Now many of us have managed to post about Syria and our desire to see the killing stop. Hopefully in some very small way, our words will help end the killing. As always in these situations, it is so important to keep the issue front of mind for the rest of the world, that is something that the blogging community can do.

  2. Yes, I never would have posted about it if BritMums hadn't put forward the idea of a day of protest. It's so easy to feel small, yet we are all part of a bigger whole. I love what Yoko Ono says,
    "A dream you dream alone is only a dream, a dream you dream together is reality."

  3. Well done for speaking out Peg, it's truly terrible what is happening...

    "I thought to myself – somebody should do something about that. Then I remembered – I am somebody.” ~ Lily Tomlin.

  4. Great quote Alice; I haven't heard that one before :-)


Hi! I'd love to hear what you think and will reply as soon as I can. I really appreciate you taking the time to comment.