I have finally gone and done it and published a little book with pictures and everything. I wrote this twelve years ago when I bought my first canal boat and used to perform it in function rooms above pubs around London. I was a founder member of the Radge Poets but I wanted to be like Lewis Carroll. So I made up a lot of nonsense words and turned them into a quirky fairy-tale.
I sent it to a major children’s publisher who surprisingly wrote back to me and said that everyone in the office loved it and laughed a lot. But regrettably they did not feel it was suitable for children.
The grown-ups on the London poetry scene always liked it and my five year old daughter likes it too. I don’t think it’s unsuitable! But I’ll let you decide.
This book will answer your question: What would happen to Theakletuffin Valley if the Theakletuffin queen was caught snibbledorping the Cumbleduffinbing?
Look inside the book: The Theakletuffin Poem
What do you think? Unsuitable?
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Hi! I'd love to hear what you think and will reply as soon as I can. I really appreciate you taking the time to comment.